
Vocational education


Pioneer State High School is a Registered Training Organisation

National Provider Number: 30424

Vocational Education and Training in schools

This information is sourced from

What is VET?

Vocational Education and Training (VET) refers to education and training that focuses on delivering skills and knowledge required for specific industries. It is a learning option for young people in the senior phase of learning.
Participating in VET can:
  • provide credit points towards the attainment of a Queensland Certificate of Education, and/or the attainment of a nationally recognised VET qualification
  • Support young people's transitions to employment, vocational and higher education pathways.
Other benefits of participating in VET include (but are not limited to):
  • obtaining practical experience from work
  • gaining familiarity on how workplaces operate
  • developing employability skills
  • developing and improving interpersonal skills
  • allowing students to explore the potential career path they would like to pursue.
Young people can access VET in a number of ways including:
  • through their school being a Registered Training Organisation
  • at CQU TAFE
  • at another Registered Training Organisation
  • or through a School-Based Apprenticeship or Traineeship.
VET Certificates II, III and IV and the Queensland Certificate of Education.​
This information is sourced from the Queensland Curriculum and Assessment Authority website
  • Awarded Vocational Education and Training (VET) Certificate II qualifications contribute up to 4 credits towards a QCE. Awarded Certificate III and IV qualifications can contribute up to 8 credits, although some contribute less.
  • Credits assigned to VET Certificates III and IV can be checked through the Student Connect website.
  • Partly completed VET qualifications (Certificate II and above) may contribute credits towards the QCE. The number of credits depends on the proportion of competencies completed and is awarded to partial completion in increments of 25%.
Pioneer State High School offers the following VET subjects to students in Year 11 and 12:
  • BSB30120​​​​ Certificate III in Business
In partnership with external Registered Training Organisations, Pioneer State High School is able to offer the following VET subject:
  • SIS30321 Certificate III in Fitness + SIS20122 Certificate II in Sport and Recreation  (in Partnership with Binnacle Training - RTO 31319)
  • SIT30622 Certificate III in Hospitality (in Partnership with CTA - RTO 31607)

More information regarding these certificates is available in the Senio​r Subject Guide [PDF, 1480KB]​ This is also available from school office.

Delivery of these Certificates will be dependent on the approval status of Pioneer State High School’s Scope of Registration. The school guarantees that the student will be provided with every opportunity to complete any VET Certificate as per the rights and obligations outlined in the enrolment process and information in handbooks provided. Students who successfully achieve all qualification requirements will be provided with a Qualification and record of results. Students who achieve at least one unit (but not the full qualification) will receive a Statement of Attainment.

Unique Student Identifier

All students studying VET qualifications must create a USI (Unique Student Identifier). ​  The school is not permitted to issue Statements of Attainment or Certificates unless students have a USI recorded with Pioneer State High School.  After students obtain a USI, they must provide this number to the Head of Department for Vocational Education and Training.

Student’s selecting a Vocational Education and Training subject must create a USI prior to commencing study in a VET subject. Students will require proof of identification to create a USI such as Birth Certificate, Medicare Card or Passport.

Details about obtaining and reporting a USI to the school can be found at this website.

Complaints and Appeals Policy

Pioneer SHS has a Complaints and Ap​peals Policy {DOCX, 204KB] that applies to all students studying a VET course. This is included in the Student VET Handbook that all students will receive at the commencement of study.  If you have a complaint or an appeal you would like to lodge, use the Complaints and Appeals Form [DOCX, 89KB]​​.​

Last reviewed 13 March 2025
Last updated 13 March 2025